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What we offer

MCSG - What we do

The main services provided are as set out below, however it is not limited to this list, anything that helps will be considered:


Practical and social assistance such as :

  • Preparing meals: These are prepared and delivered to the home of the patient from one to several times a week as the need determines.
  • Hovering/ironing: This can either be done directly or arrangements made to have it done
  • Upkeep of gardens: This can be done directly or arrangements made to have it done
  • Sourcing useful information of assistance: This can be carried out as needed.
  • Shopping for groceries
  • Collecting prescriptions
  • General household chores

Financial assistance towards the cost of items such as :

  • Travelling for treatment: travel expenses/ overnight expenses
  • Home Help: assistance towards the cost of this
  • Carer/Nurse/Childcare: assistance towards the cost of this provision
  • Home Aid Equipment: assistance towards the cost of this provision
  • Professional Wellbeing and Counselling: the estimated cost of this service