Monaleen Cancer Support Group is a voluntary initiative of ordinary people in Monaleen to support their friends and neighbours touched by cancer. All monies collected are used for the purpose collected and intended that is of assisting the cancer patients, their families and the incidental expenses involved in staging events.
No rewards or remunerative payments are made to any member or volunteer in the group.
The main source of funding is the annual Fun/Run event, however some very welcome donations such as ‘Iska’ supplying the water for the Fun/Run free and some very welcome local fundraising initiatives such as Puc Fada organized by Monaleen G.A.A, fashion shows, individual donations and fundraising activities have greatly assisted in generating the required funding to maintain the services and assistance.
Committee members and volunteers are also generous with help in organising and running events and preparing pastries and sandwiches etc for events through their own resources. All such assistance is welcome especially at the time an event or presentation is taking place as this preserves the financial resource for that which it is intended.
It may also be possible, in some instances , to find use for some specialist equipment if available for donation.
Please click here to contact the secretary , or indeed any of the committee if you would like to be associated with the group’s efforts.
Please click the link or scan the code below to make a Donation at Paypal

You can also make a donation directly to our bank account using the details below. All donations are gratefully received and will be acknowledged as having been received by the committee.
Our current a/c bank details
- Sort Code 930148
- Account Number 18726027
- IBAN IE43AIBK93014818726027